Monday, November 17, 2008

ATCs 100-117

The latest batch.... Some hand painted backgrounds. Most of the image transfer stuff is in the next batch. Enjoying frayed bits but finding it hard to translate to a larger format!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Following Twyla Tharp's advice - again

This was made both to 'learn' from following Lisa Call and to make an 'inspired by' journal quilt for my online quilt group.

The second picture is what I made. I don't have huge amounts of hand dyes and also wanted to use some of my beautiful 'commercial' fabrics. This is the result. I really like it. It is quite small - about 40x60cm.

The third picture is my digital creation so see what it would look like bigger. Again I'm really pleased with it.

Kntting in 32 degrees - I must be mad

I was looking for something to do in the evenings that didn't require great eye sight - the lighting in our rented apartment isn't great (even with a halogen at my side) and my eyes are tired at night. I brought some of my lovely Noro wool with me and decided to start knitting the Lizard Ridge afghan that my friend Helen had sent me some time ago. This is like a sampler for me to remember my lovely wools. The first picture is Kureyon 147 followed by Kureyon 095.

The pattern is here

The short rows give the blocks great texture. You are meant to press them to make them flat and show off the stripes better but I'm torn.... What do you think - to press or not to press - that is the question...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More on Maps

First picture is Maps 4 - physically replaced the dark dark block from Maps 3 with the blue block and also stopped trying to be so regular with the blocks. Seems to work better - I think because it is one of those bits of fabric with light and dark patches.

THEN I finally learned how to replace colours! THIS is seriously FUN. Of course I may never be able to find the right fabrics but now I understand how to liven up a quilt - good old Colour Theory 101. Red and green are complements so in Maps 5 (digital) lime and pink do the same job.

THEN I discovered how to convert to black and white - Maps 6. This is interesting - shows the major part colour plays in this quilt - composition is ok but not strong.

Also I think - too much thinking! A lot of what works is just instinctive. If it makes you excited then its working....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

ATCs - September

A few more - haven't managed the one a day - school holidays kinda interrupted my run. One of the last group is a paper one. I started doing some ideas for 'New Zealand' but then diverted into just playing and collaging fabric. The last 2 are just playing with some Sydney stamps I bought at the papercraft stall at Paddy's Market. The pink ribbon one is for Denys.

Maps 3

Ok - another digital one. But it just doesn't work. I'm not sure why - any opinions. The blocks aren't quilted at all but still........ Looking at it now I wonder if it's because I used a regular pattern for the blocks. I wanted to try and make the paths line up and the easiest way I could think of was to make them regular. Of course because they are free cut they don't quite line up. And the dark dark block doesn't work the way I thought. Interesting as well that I didn't think the colours were that different from Maps 2 (apart from leaving out the crazy cerise) but they are quite different. Well well - you live and learn.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mother's Day Quilt shop visit and other discoveries.

This is a while ago but I wanted to post this picture. Last mother's day Colin and Kathryn took me to Annadale to a quilt shop called Quilt Smith. More fabric than Thimbles in UH. A whole bay of indigo fabrics. More Japanese fabric than I've ever seen. All about A$24 pm. Not a lot of threads or books - didn't even notice many needles. There is another quilt shop in Leicheart not far away and another in Hunter's Hill I must discover. Anyway - I bought these fabrics. (see P - same fabric as you bought in Adelaide). Funny when you consider I am mostly using tone on tone but I just loved them.

Also last weekend Colin and Kathryn were away at Sea Scout camp at Newcastle so I headed into town on the ferry with my trusty map (I do love maps) and discovered a huge bead shop in Surry Hills (not far from Central station). Great cafe opposite and lots of old terrace houses. Interesting area don't think I'd walk around there at night but fine on a Saturday morning. Moved on to discover the main Tessuti fabric shop Just amazing - full of happy little sewers just when you think no one sews clothes in this town. Think it was mainly students sewing for their design courses but a nice shop. Lots of interested staff and big leather couches and long wooden tables with design books to look at. Felt a bit embarrassed just looking the Simplicity pattern book instead of whipping up something original but still did buy some eggplant coloured mesh to use in a fabric collage. Also a breathtaking button selection.

Weather is funny at the moment - 33 on Sunday, 23 on Monday. Meant to be building to 33 on Friday then 23 for the weekend.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

ATCs 73-87

Another batch of ATCs. Some more pansy ones, followed by a few inspired by a visit to the Jenolan Caves (look for stalagmite type ones), then a series of composition ones (high horizon, parallel lines, strata, basic shapes etc).

Some absolute stinkers but I learn something from everyone. Also a great warm up exercise - a bit like stretching.


And then I made it bigger using what I had done as a repeat block. I just love that turquoise colour. When you look at the larger quilt the curved piecing and narrow inserts add interest. (Darn it! Will have to get faster at it!)


I've always loved maps. Here's a quilt I made inspired by the grids of city maps. This actually started out trying to be an 'inspired by Lisa Call' quilt but then the map thing started to happen. I started using curvey freeform piecing but that was taking ages so I made the last 2 block with straight lines - at the moment I don't think the curvey lines add anything. I'm going to made another one with more blocks and try and get the streets to line up. I like the way the eye follows the streets but gets a surprise when the colours change.

Eleanor McCain continues

Here are some variations I've made on the first 'inspired by Eleanor McCain' quilt I made.

Monday, September 1, 2008

ATCs 61-75 - pansies rule!

After trying to be arty and abstract my beloved pansies have reasserted themselves. Have been enjoying trying to stop them being so 'sweet' by painting and stamping backgrounds. It is true that when your subject is something you love you have no problems thinking of something to do. I love these but not sure how they translate to a larger quilt. They are lovely small because small is about detail and suits the small form of the pansy.

The Jeans ATC is made from a label on a pair of pants I've just bought. I'd love to do more with clothing labels. Aren't the 'features' that you now find on labels hilarious. I know intellectually that these new pants aren't going to make me look 5'6'' and willowly - but I still have that 5% hope.....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ATCs 46-60

Starting to get more abstract - I like them. And I like the cruciform ones. The blue blob is meant to be the Water Cube in Beijing - it is truly awful. The last 2 ATCs are an interesting experiment. For the first one just grabbed 2 fabrics and did some freeform curved piecing - I like it! The second one I wondered if I could achieve the same effect with less work by just putting the fabric on top and stitching it down - but you end up with quite different texture - so (sigh) curved piecing is worth the hassle.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Following Twyla Tharp's advice

Thanks to Philippa this is a quote from Twyla Tharp re copying - "It's no different from a young person sitting with a drawing pad in a museum copying a great artist. Skill gets imprinted through the action.

If there's a lesson here it's: get busy copying. That's not a popular notion today, not when we are all instructed to find our own way, admonished to be original and find our own voice at all costs! But it's sound advice. Travelling the paths of greatness, even in someone else's footprints, is a vital means to acquiring skill.

When I started out as a dancer in New York, I became obsessed with studying every great dancer who was working at the time and patterning myself after him or her. I would literally stand behind them in class, in copying mode, and fall right into their footsteps. Their technique, style and timing imprinted themselves on my muscles. That's one of the ways I learnt to dance."

So here I am busy copying - today I am pretending to be Eleanor McCain. Such a simple quilt - playing with colour and the cruciform symbol. Easy and effective and enjoyable to make but I'm not sure its me.... The first photo is the original - the second is my copy. I thought that with more positive negative cruciform blocks the quilt would be more effective. I've made another ATC version using patterned fabric that is interesting. Will post that one soon.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Daily ATCs (31-45)

More ATCs

Daily ATCs - (16-30)

More ATCs

An ATC a day....(1-15)

Started this 35 days ago as an exercise to hopefully promote creativity and give me some ideas for Working In Series. Certainly is making it faster to just get started on something but not sure if it is giving me any cool quilt ideas.

Anway - here are the first 30 days work.